Published : 08/01/2023 17:13:30
Categories : News
Libreria Editrice Vaticana participates in the 44th edition of the Meeting for friendship among peoples in Rimini, which will take place from 20 to 25 August on the theme Human existence is an inexhaustible friendship, with new editorials and meetings with authors.
Dorothy Day's book Ho trovato Dio attraverso i suoi poveri. Dall’ateismo alla fede: il mio cammino interiore (LEV). Pope Francis, who signs the preface, describes the text as "an adventure that is good for the heart". In this autobiography Dorothy Day, a famous American activist and pacifist, tells how she went from atheism to embracing the Catholic faith with conviction. Jim Forest's book Dorothy Day. Una Biografia, a co-edition of Libreria Editrice Vaticana and Jaca Book, will also be available at the Meeting which will host an important meeting on Dorothy Day and social friendship on Sunday 20 August at 5.00 pm - Auditorium isybank D3 in presence by Robert Ellsberg, editor of the Dorothyt Day volume and managing director of Orbis Books.
The French Dominican Adrien Candiard, Islamologist, one of the most widely read Christian authors of spirituality in Europe, will come from Egypt with his latest book Qualche parola prima dell’Apocalisse. Leggere il Vangelo in tempi di crisi (LEV). The volume is an invitation to find new reasons for faith and hope in a difficult period like ours - with wars, pandemics, ecological disasters - which seems to recall the "last" times indicated by Christ in the Gospel. Adrien Candiard, who also wrote for LEV Tolleranza? Meglio il dialogo. Il caso-Andalusia e il confronto tra le fedi, will speak on Wednesday 23 August at 3.00 pm - Auditorium isybank D3 in dialogue with the sociologist Oliveri Roy.
Another LEV author at the Meeting this year is the Jesuit and economist Gaël Giraud, professor of economics at Georgetown University in Washington, author of La rivoluzione dolce della transizione ecologica (LEV) and, together with Carlo Petrini, founder of Slow Food and Terra Madre, of the book-dialogue Il gusto di cambiare. La transizione ecologica come via per la felicità (Slow Food Editore - LEV), with a foreword by Pope Francis. The text proposes a dialogue on the need for a cultural, social and economic paradigm shift to ensure that the planet has a future. Petrini and Giraud will talk to Giorgio Vittadini on Wednesday 23 August at 7.00 pm - Sala Neri Generali Cattolica.