"Testimoni" There are 9 products.

“Contemporary man listens more willingly to witnesses than to teachers or if he listens to teachers, he does so because they are witnesses” (Paul VI, Evangelii nuntiandi, 41) Christian testimony, however, does not coincide with that which occurs in the courtroom. On the contrary, the evangelical witness par excellence is the martyr, the one who in his own humanity reveals the life, thought, gestures and love of Christ himself, dead and risen. The evangelical witness, in fact, is a person who died to his own egoism and is resurrected in communion as an eloquent sign of a way of life similar to that of God, which is love. “Witnesses” is the series that wants to give the word to these witnesses, so that they could emerge as sources of inspiration and trust in the Holy Spirit that unites us all.

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Showing 1 - 9 of 9 items