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Life, affections and faith are punctuated by times and recurrences that help us to live them with renewed depth and in communion with others. “Celebrating” is the series of volumes that – drawing on the depth of the words of Pope Francis – helps us to live the appointments of the liturgical year and of family life with simplicity, love and taste, through simple daily thoughts.
“Eis to bathos” (LC5,4) is the command that Jesus tells to Peter before the miraculous fishing in the Galilee Sea: it means literally “Put out into deep water”. The expression can also mean “Go in depth”. Therefore this series collects in a synthetic, deep, but not specialized way, texts to deepen the topic of the Magisterium of the Church. They want to be a contribution, for a more existential understanding and for a more conscious adherence to the life and mission of the Church in our history today..
Vatican II reiterated that the Church must scrutinize the signs of the times, to recognize behind the cultural events and dynamics the sweet and decisive action of the Spirit, who calls for conversion and instills courage and hope. “Our Time” is the series that offers this attention to today, to grasp its challenges with wisdom and foresight and provide the elements to give you your own contribution with competence and love.
The “Inspirations” series wants to be a place of ecclesial meeting to help in discernment to live and to bear witness to the love that lives there - it makes us all one. So that believers can express this same love with ever new words and gestures. Inspired and animated by the Spirit of the One who said: “Behold, I make all things new” (Ap.21,5)
Horizon is the border-line between the visible and the invisible, the meeting point between our experience and what is beyond. This serie collects reflections that witness the paradox of the faith in Christ: in the daily life the Spirit opens to new perspectives, open spaces in which life shows itself imbued with Life, frontiers in which the everyday, pregnant with eternity, rediscovers in the flesh of world the beautiful news of the Gospel.
The “Exchange of Gifts” series has an ecumenical vocation and aims to highlight the bonds that unite Christians of various denominations in many areas of the life of faith and social life. It is a unity rooted in baptism and the common confession of faith in God which is Trinity and love. The volumes collect texts and speeches of the Pope, present his unpublished writing and are introduced by a contribution of a Representative of the brothers and sisters of the Churches and separated Ecclesial Communities, with which one is on the way towards the re-establishment of full communion.
“Contemporary man listens more willingly to witnesses than to teachers or if he listens to teachers, he does so because they are witnesses” (Paul VI, Evangelii nuntiandi, 41) Christian testimony, however, does not coincide with that which occurs in the courtroom. On the contrary, the evangelical witness par excellence is the martyr, the one who in his own humanity reveals the life, thought, gestures and love of Christ himself, dead and risen. The evangelical witness, in fact, is a person who died to his own egoism and is resurrected in communion as an eloquent sign of a way of life similar to that of God, which is love. “Witnesses” is the series that wants to give the word to these witnesses, so that they could emerge as sources of inspiration and trust in the Holy Spirit that unites us all.
Life in the Spirit “Holiness is the most attractive face of the Church” (Gaudete et exultate, 9). The series aims to be a maieutic of this ecclesial beauty through the stories, writings and wisdom of those who in their lives – sometimes simple, sometimes outstanding – they welcomed the splendor of the Holy Spirit, the Love for the Father and the Son poured on humanity. He, in fact, as a wise artist, brings out the features of Christ in the faces of men and transforms the apparent banality of every day into a history of salvation and blessing. Precisely this beauty has been said to save the world.
The discovery of the unique and infinite value of the human person is one of the great cultural contributions of Christianity, wherever it has set foot as a personal faith within community relations. Every person is a face, a unicum, a dignity without measure, because loved in a unique and infinite way by the Father who, in his Spirit-Love, everyone wants to welcome in his embrace in Jesus our Lord and brother. “Faces” is not so simply a series of biographies, but the cultural space so that, from the words that tell the facts, people emerge with their stories, their ideals, their relationships, their being-gift for the life of the Church and of the world.