Getting to know Pope Francis better through the testimony of a brother in the faith and a long-time friend, in the context of the tenth anniversary of his pontificate: this is the proposal of [...]
Women's Day: 3 dialogues in Latina, Genoa and Verona on "The Word and Tales" Libreria Editrice Vaticana is organising, on the occasion of International Women's Day on 8 March, three public [...]
Two opportunities to listen to the voice of a modern-day witness for peace. Cardinal Dieudonné Nzapalainga, Archbishop of Bangui, Central Africa, and author of the book La mia lotta per la [...]
"God is always new". The book by Benedict XVI "spiritual synthesis of the writings" of the Pope Emeritus Now available in bookshops is the volume God is always new (Libreria Editrice Vaticana, [...]
Joseph Ratzinger - Benedict XVI (1927-2022): the legacy of a great teacher of the faith Libreria Editrice Vaticana is publishing the Opera Omnia of Joseph Ratzinger - Benedict XVI (1927-2022) [...]