Year of publication | 2017 |
Pages nr. | 72 |
Language | Italian |
Book cover | Paperback |
Weight (gr.) | 100 |
Size | 12 x 17 |
The preparatory document entitled Youth, faith and vocational discernment suggests a three-step reflection dedicated to young people, the recognition of love and life in its fullness. It begins with the general outline of some of the social and cultural dynamics of the world in which young people grow up and make their decisions, and it proposes a reading in the light of faith. Later, the document retraces the fundamental steps of the process of discernment; the main instrument the Church can offer to young people so that they can discover, in the light of faith, their vocation. Finally, the document focuses on the key points of youth pastoral care. The document, therefore, is not complete, but it serves as a kind of guide to encourage further research, the results of which will be available only at the conclusion of the Synod
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