Beato Oscar Romero View larger
Beato Oscar Romero

Data sheet

Year of publication2015
Pages nr.40

Beato Oscar Romero

Cardinal Angelo Amato in this volume traces the biography of the blessed Oscar Arnulfo Romero. Born in Ciudad Barrios (El Salvador) in a Christian family, he was a man of prayer and deep spirituality. The volume collects the salient points of the life of the archbishop who exercised his pastoral ministry at a time when Salvadoran society was troubled by deep political rivalries. Threatened with death by the oligarchy of the country and judged contrary to the interests of the people by the extreme revolutionary left, Romero was killed on March 24, 1980. Known throughout the world as a martyr of the Gospel and justice among peoples, he was beatified on May 23, 2015 by Pope Francis.