TI RACCONTO IL VANGELO Domenica dopo domenica, riflessioni su Matteo View larger
TI RACCONTO IL VANGELO Domenica dopo domenica, riflessioni su Matteo

Data sheet

Year of publication2022
Pages nr.244
Book coverPaperback
Size14 x 21

TI RACCONTO IL VANGELO Domenica dopo domenica, riflessioni su Matteo

Pope Francis' commentary on the Gospel of Matthew read during the liturgical year A. With the wise brevity that distinguishes him, the pontiff explains the profound meaning of the Gospel word, showing all its power and prophecy for the time in which we live.

Francesco - Jorge Mario Bergoglio

Jorge Mario Bergoglio is the first pope from the Americas. Born in Buenos Aires on December 17, 1936, he entered[...]